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Huernia hislopii subs. robusta L.C.Leach & Plowes
J. S. African Bot. 32: 53 (1966)

Accepted Scientific Name: Huernia hislopii Turrill
Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1922: 30 1922

Huernia hislopii subs. robusta Photo by: Luiza Ferreira


See all synonyms of Huernia hislopii
Accepted name in llifle Database:
Huernia hislopii Turrill
Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1922: 30 1922
Synonymy: 2

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Huernia hislopii group

  • Huernia hislopii Turrill: stems c. 5cm long and 8-10 mm thick, 5-angular. Corolla campanulate 4-6 cm in diameter, tube to 1.6 mm long with transverse red-brown lines. Distribution: Zimbabwe, Mozambique.
  • Huernia hislopii subs. robusta L.C.Leach & Plowes: Stems more robust with 5-7 ribs. Tube longer, weakly inflated, basally without or with weak concentric lines. Corolla lobes shorter, rarely acuminate. Disribution: Zimbabwe, Lupani Distr.

22982 luiza Luiza Ferreira
Huernia hislopii subs. robusta Photo by: Luiza Ferreira
23074 luiza Luiza Ferreira
Huernia hislopii subs. robusta Photo by: Luiza Ferreira

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