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Buphane disticha Herb.
Bot. Mag. 52: sub t. 2578. 1825 (see: Boophane distica)

Accepted Scientific Name: Boophone disticha Herb.
Bot. Mag. 52: sub t. 2578. 1825 ( = Buphane = Boophone )

Buphane disticha (Boophone disticha) Photo by: Frikkie Hall


See all synonyms of Boophone disticha
Accepted name in llifle Database:
Boophone disticha Herb.
Bot. Mag. 52: sub t. 2578. 1825
Synonymy: 26

Common Names include:
ENGLISH: Bushman Poison Bulb, Candelabra Flower, Cape Poison Bulb, Fan Leaved Boophane, Kaffir Onion, Poison Bulb, Red Posy, Sore Eye Flower, Veld Fan, Windball, Fireball, Oxkiller Fan, Tumbleweed, Century Plant

26824 frikkie Frikkie Hall
Buphane disticha (Boophone disticha) Photo by: Frikkie Hall
24720 xero Xero Sicyos
This bulb rarely bloom in cultivation, because in Africa where they grow wild they'll usually flower after grasslands fire. (Boophone disticha) Photo by: Xero Sicyos

28740 plantemania © Plantemania
Buphane disticha (Boophone disticha) Photo by: © Plantemania
27676 frikkie Frikkie Hall
Buphane disticha (Boophone disticha) Photo by: Frikkie Hall

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Stile (Boophone disticha) Photo by: Frikkie Hall
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Anther. (Boophone disticha) Photo by: Frikkie Hall

951 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
Buphane disticha (Boophone disticha) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
26956 frikkie Frikkie Hall
Buphane disticha (Boophone disticha) Photo by: Frikkie Hall

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by Valentino Vallicelli

by Valentino Vallicelli

by Xero Sicyos

by Valentino Vallicelli

by Valentino Vallicelli
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