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Adansonia grandidieri Baill.
Hist. Phys. Madagascar Atlas: Pl. 79Bbis(2), 79E(1) (1893)

Adansonia grandidieri Photo by: © Plantemania
The tree develops a reddish-grey coloured and rather slender, bottle shaped trunk with a wide cantilevered crown. The trunk, also known as the bole, has the capacity to store enormous amounts of water. In its natural habitat carries foliage from October until May, and produces between May and August its white flowers that open up in the evening and exhale a watermelony scent.


Common Names include:
ENGLISH: Grandidier's baobab, giant baobab
ARABIC ( لعربية ): تبلدي غرنديدي
CHINESE (中文): 大猴面包树
CZECH (Čeština): Baobab Grandidiérův
DUTCH (Nederlands): Baobab van Grandidier
ESTONIAN (Eesti): Sammas-ahvileivapuu
FRENCH (Français): Baobab malgache
ITALIAN (Italiano): baobab di Grandidier
LITHUANIAN (Lietuvių): Grandidierio baobabu
MALAGASY: reniala, renala
POLISH ( Polski): Baobab Grandidiera
PORTUGUESE (Português): Baobá de Grandidieri, Baobá de Madagascar
PUNJABI Shahmukhi script ( پنجابی ): ایڈنسونیا گرانڈیڈیری
RUSSIAN (Русский): Адансония Грандидье
TAMIL (தமிழ்): அடன்சோனியா கிரான்டிடியரி
TURKISH (Türkçe): Büyük baobab

28358 plantemania © Plantemania
The magnificent avenue of Adansonia grandidieri baobab trees near Morondava. Photo by: © Plantemania
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