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Boswellia sacra Flueck.
Lehrb. Pharmak. (1867) 31.

Boswellia sacra Photo by: © Plantemania
Frankincense, an oily gum resin from the tree Boswellia sacra and related species, is named in the Bible as one the three gifts given to the baby Jesus by the 'Three Wise Men'. It has been used for thousands of years in many different cultures.


See all synonyms of Boswellia sacra
Accepted name in llifle Database:
Boswellia sacra Flueck.
Lehrb. Pharmak. (1867) 31.
Synonymy: 7

Common Names include:
ENGLISH: Olibanum-tree, Incense, Frankincense, Bible frankincense
ARABIC ( لعربية ): Mughur, Mogar, Magher, Bakhor, شجرة اللبان
CATALAN (Català): Olíban, Gomo-resina, Encens
CHINESE (中文): Ru xiang, Ru xiang shu
CROATIAN (Hrvatski): Tamjan, tamjanovac
FRENCH (Français): Oliban, Boswellie, Arbre à encens
GERMAN (Deutsch): Somalischer Weihrauch, Arabischer Weihrauch, Frankincense, Frankincense der Weihrauch, Olibanum, Weihrauchbaum, Weihrauchpflanze
ITALIAN (Italiano): Olibano, Incenso, Albero dell' incenso
RUSSIAN (Русский): Ладанное дерево
SPANISH (Español): Olibán, Árbol del incienso
SWAHILI ( Kiswahili): Ubani

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Boswellia sacra Photo by: © Plantemania
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Boswellia sacra bonsai Photo by: © Plantemania

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Boswellia sacra Photo by: © Plantemania
30224 plantemania © Plantemania
Boswellia sacra Photo by: © Plantemania

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