Echinopsis bonnieae Photo by: Agócs György
Rebutialand - Cactus collection.
Origin and Habitat: Argentina, Prov. of Catamarca: Dept. Tinogasta, Rio Guachin, Loro Huasi, in the mountains around the Fiambalá valley, in the Sierra de Fiambalá and in the Sierra de Narváez.
Habitat: Grows along with a very sparse vegetation Puna bonnieaeSN|1023]]SN|1023]], Echinopsis leucanthaSN|8246]]SN|8246]], Pterocactus tuberosusSN|1126]]SN|1126]], Tephrocactus geometricusSN|14349]]SN|14349]], Cumulopuntia sp., Maihueniopsis sp. and Opuntia sulphurea on gravel slopes, in a very drained and arid soil (composed of clay, sand and stones) at 1700 - 2.400 m ASL.
See all synonyms of Echinopsis bonnieae
Description: Echinopsis bonnieaeSN|15820]]SN|15820]] (Lobivia famatimensis var. bonniaeSN|3315]]SN|15818]]) is a small solitary or branched, columnar geophytic cactus. It is related to Lobivia famatimensisSN|15818]]SN|3315]], but clearly distinguished from it by the narrow neck that separates the large tuberous roots from the stem and for the tall cylindrical stem.
Stem: Thin, cylindrical, usually not branched, with a constant diameter ,but separated from the roots by a narrow collar. 10(-40) cm in height, diameter 1,5-2,5cm. The apex is depressed. The stems can be deciduous in the dry season, as is usual for the genus Pterocactus.
Areoles: On small tubercles, arranged in about 30 spiral lines whit short white hairs.
Spines: About 10, pectinate pink-brown that turn grey, 1-1,5mm long.
Roots: Tuberous, 10-15cm long, up to 5-15 mm in diameter.
Flower: Diurnal, silver-yellow, shining, outer tepals are bronze, diameter and height 2,5 (-4) cm. Stigma yellow with red stylus.
Blooming time: May.
Fruits: Ovate 1,2-1, 8cm long, 0,6-1,1 cm in diameter, dark violet, longitudinally dehiscent. Covered by hairy scales.
Seeds: Seed black, up to 400 per fruit.
Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Echinopsis famatimensis group
Bibliography: Major references and further lectures
1) Stuart Max Walters “The European garden flora. 3.[Angiospermae], Dicotyledons. [Casuarinaceae to Aristolochiaceae]” Cambridge University Press, 1989
2) Edward Anderson “The Cactus family” Timber Press, Incorporated, 2001
3) Roberto Kiesling, D.J. Fergusom & O. Ferrari "The first geophytic Lobivia (Cactaceae)" cact. Succ. J.(USA) 73:4 Jul-Aug. 2001 http://www.ibiologia.unam.mx/slccs/www/material_bib/k/1_Kiesling.pdf retrived on 16-Jun-2013
4) James Cullen, Sabina G. Knees, H. Suzanne Cubey "The European Garden Flora Flowering Plants: A Manual for the Identification of Plants Cultivated in Europe, Both Out-of-Doors and Under Glass" Cambridge University Press, 11/Aug/2011
5) David R Hunt; Nigel P Taylor; Graham Charles; International Cactaceae Systematics Group. "The New Cactus Lexicon" dh books, 2006
Lobivia bonnieae Newly described with thin cylindrical body. Field number: FK96 Locality: (Kuhas) Fiambla, Rioja, Prov. Catamarc Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
Echinopsis bonnieae Photo by: Agócs György
Echinopsis bonnieae Photo by: Cactus Art
Lobivia famatimensis v.bonnaie ROS 123.2 Photo by: Peiffer Clement
Echinopsis bonnieae Photo by: Cactus Art
Echinopsis bonnieae Photo by: Cactus Art
Along with Eriosyce duripulpa. An example of evolutionary convergence ? Photo by: Cactus Art
Echinopsis bonnieae Photo by: Diego ArmentanoCultivation and Propagation: Very slow growing. The Lobivia famatimensisSN|3315]]SN|3315]] have a thick taproot and are susceptible to over-watering. Sometimes they are grafted to avoid root rot problems. Suited for sunny-bright exposure; they can tolerate light shade. They like warmth (recommended minimum winter temperature 5° C). But plant kept perfectly dry can easily survive in winter night temperatures below 0° C (In our greenhouse there was no damage at -10° C for a few hours in the winter of 2002-2003 ) They prefer airy exposures. Water regularly in summer, but do not overwater, it prefer a completely dry place during winter. Suited for sunny-brightly exposure; can tolerate light shade.
Pests & diseases:**Lobivia famatimensisSN|3315]]SN|3315]]sis is especially prone to rot, therefore, underpot in a smaller but deep pot filled with a highly gritty compost and much drainage, to accommodate its tap root.
Propagation: ***Seeds or graft. Seedlings of the var. bonnieae grow faster than other Lobivia famatimensisSN|3315]]SN|3315]]. Seeds can be sown in the spring or summer. The seedlings should not be disturbed until they are well rooted, after which they can be planted separately in small pots.
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