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Matucana villarica n.n.
Karel Kníže catalog number KK 580

Accepted Scientific Name: Matucana haynei (Otto) Britton & Rose
Cactaceae (Britton & Rose) 3: 102, fig. 109. 1922 Britton & Rose

Matucana villarica Photo by: Peiffer Clement
( Matucana haynei forma) KK580 (Collector Karel Kníže) Huanncayo, Villarica, Peru.


See all synonyms of Matucana haynei

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Matucana haynei group

  • Matucana comacephala F.Ritter: (subs. myriacantha) has solitary globular to cylindrical stems with cream-coloured spines and large pink to sometimes orange-red blossoms. Distribution: Ancash, Cordillera blanca, Peru.
  • Matucana crinifera F.Ritter: (subs. haynei) stem densely covered by yellowish-white, hair-like spines and showy blossoms, white at the bottom pinkir to red on top. Distribution: Machac, Ancash, Peru.
  • Matucana crinifera f. cristata hort.: (subs. haynei) Crested form.
  • Matucana haynei (Otto) Britton & Rose: (subs. haynei) has stems to 30 cm high and at least 30 spines: Distribution: Matucana.
  • Matucana haynei subs. herzogiana (Backeb.) Mottram: usually less than 10 cm high with relatively few, more or less curved, setaceous spines. Distribution: Cordillera Negra.
  • Matucana haynei subs. hystrix (Rauh & Backeb.) Mottram: has cylindrical stems to 30 cm high, 4 distinct dark brown central spines, and numerous radials. Distribution: Nazca, Ica, and Lucanas, Ayacucho.
  • Matucana haynei subs. hystrix var. atrispina Rauh & Backeb.: like Matucana haynei subs. hystrix but with more robust blackish spines, ash-grey and conspicuously swollen at the base. Distribution: Nazca to Lucamas and adjacent areas, southern Peru.
  • Matucana haynei subs. myriacantha (Vaupel) Mottram: has very short stems, rarely more than 8 cm high, and as many as 10 central spines and 25 radials. Distibution: above Balsas, Cajamarca.
  • Matucana herzogiana var. perplexa Backeb.: similar to Matucana haynei subs. herzogiana, but with more numerous and longer spines. The flowers are bright red and zygomorphic. Distribution: Cordillera Negra, Peru
  • Matucana multicolor Rauh & Backeb. in Backeb.: has multicoloured spination. The central spines ranges from amber, to black-brown, to black-violet, or nearly white. Distribution: Nazca-Puquio road at about 4,100m ASL.
  • Matucana myriacantha f. roseoalba (hort., F.Ritter) Lodé: (subs. myriacantha) has dense cream coloured spines cover almost completely the plants body. Flowers are glossy pink and white, tubular and zigomorphyc.
  • Matucana variabilis Rauh & Backeb. in Backeb.: (subs. haynei) It has thin variable spines (cream to amber coloured) suggesting the epithet. Distribution: Ancash, Peru.
  • Matucana villarica n.n.: Brewster County, Texas, USA.
  • Matucana yanganucensis Rauh & Backeb. in Backeb.: (subs. haynei) Same as Matucana haynei.

29248 cpif Peiffer Clement
Matucana villarica Photo by: Peiffer Clement
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