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Mammillaria neobertrandiana Backeb.
Cactus (Paris) No. 33, Suppl., 10 (1952); cf. Gray Herb. Card Cat.

Accepted Scientific Name: Mammillaria lasiacantha Engelm.
Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 3: 261. 1856 Syn. Cact. 5

Mammillaria neobertrandiana Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
(Lerdo, Durante, Mexico) Nice pink spines, the small winter flowers are pale pink with a pink/brown midstripe.


See all synonyms of Mammillaria lasiacantha

Common Names include:
ENGLISH: Lacespine Nipple Cactus, Golf-ball Pincushion

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Mammillaria lasiacantha group

  • Mammillaria lasiacantha Engelm.: Single or forming Small clusters of 2 or 3 heads. Stems are spherical usually less than 5 cm in diameter. They usually have soft glabrous spines, but in some populations all plants may retain plumose spines at maturity.
  • Mammillaria lasiacantha var. denudata Engelm.: has always glabrous spines. For all other characteristics it is comparable to the standard Mammillaria lasiacantha. Distribution: Big Bend National Park (Brewster County), Texas.
  • Mammillaria lasiacantha subs. egregia (Backeb. ex Rogoz. & Appenz.) D.R.Hunt: It forms small snow-white ball, usually unbranched, deep-seated in substrate and inconspicuous that become somewhat cylindrical with age up to 5 cm in diameter × 2-7 cm tall.
  • Mammillaria lasiacantha subs. egregia f. cristata hort.: crested form. It will slowly forms white tangled groups up to 10 cm in diameter.
  • Mammillaria lasiacantha subs. hyalina D.R.Hunt
  • Mammillaria lasiacantha subs. magallanii (F.Schmoll ex R.T.Craig) D.R.Hunt: Small usually solitary slow growing species with short white spines. Stems globose to club shaped, green, up to 6 cm tall and 4.5 cm in diameter. Distribution: Coahuila and Durango.
  • Mammillaria lasiacantha f. wohlschlageri (Repp.) Hoeve: Small plants with a flat fuzzy stem and creamy flowers blooming abundantly in late winter-to early spring. Radial spiness 26-36, glassy white, brown tipped, 2 - 6 mm long.
  • Mammillaria magallani var. hamatispina Backeb.: 50-70 creamy-yellowish radial spines with one hooked darker central spine.
  • Mammillaria neobertrandiana Backeb.: Nice pink spines, the small winter flowers are pale pink with a pink/brown midstripe. Distribution: Lerdo, Durango.
  • Mammillaria roemeri Wolfg.Krüger & W.Rischer: It is a neotonic (juvenile form which remains so) form of Mammillaria lasiacantha. The flower position and its later flowering distinguish it, as well as the spination. It looks different, but clearly related.
  • Mammillaria roseocentra Boed. & F.Ritter: radial spines numerous, in two rows, short, especially the inside one, initially beautiful pink, at the apex almost red: Distribution: Durango and Lerdo, Mexico
  • Mammillaria sp. f. cristata SB500 Cuatrocienagas, Coahuila, Mexico: is a tiny crest form that may retain plumose spines at maturity.It slowly forms tangled groups up to 20 cm in diameter.
  • Mammillaria sp. SB500 Cuatrocienagas, Coahuila, Mexico hort., S.Brack: (M. lasiacantha) Feathery form with tiny stems that resemble golf balls.

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