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Euphorbia celastroides var. stokesii (C.N.Forbes) Sherff
Bot. Gaz. 97: 593 (1936)

Accepted Scientific Name: Euphorbia celastroides Boiss.
Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 15(2): 11 (1862) DC. et al.

Euphorbia celastroides var. stokesii Photo by: Forest Starr & Kim Starr
Habit at Kilauea lighthouse, Kauai, Hawaii (USA). February 25, 2002.


See all synonyms of Euphorbia celastroides
Accepted name in llifle Database:
Euphorbia celastroides Boiss.
Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 15(2): 11 (1862)
Synonymy: 49

Common Names include:
HAWAIIAN (ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi): Akoko, Ekoko, Koko, Kokomalei

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Euphorbia celastroides group

  • Euphorbia celastroides Boiss.: (var. celastroides) Leaves narrowly obovate glabrous (without hairs). Distribution: endemic to Nihoa, Ni`ihau, Kaua`i.
  • Euphorbia celastroides var. amplectens Sherff: Has pubescent (with hairs) leaves, grey/silverish to light green that may have a glaucous coating. Distribution: is a variable plant found on the uplands on all the main islands (Ni`ihau, Kaua`i, O`ahu, Moloka`i, Lana`i, Maui, Kaho`olawe, Hawai`i.)
  • Euphorbia celastroides var. hanapepensis Sherff: has glabrous, long and oblanceolate leaves. Distribution: endemic to Kaua`i where it grows at high elevations.
  • Euphorbia celastroides var. kaenana Sherff: is a glabrous beach plant, with flowers (cyathia) on compact lateral branches. Distribution: endemic to to Kaʻena, Oʻahu. It is a rare and endangered beach plant found among the boulders.
  • Euphorbia celastroides var. laehiensis O.Deg., I.Deg. & Sherff: Habit pubescent. Leaves glaucous. Distribution: endemic to Lana`i, Maui near Manawainui. It is found at low elevations and endangered.
  • Euphorbia celastroides var. lorifolia (A.Gray ex H.Mann) Sherff: is a rare, small and vulnerable tree, with pubescent linear leaves found at high elevations. Distribution: endemic to Lana`i, Maui.
  • Euphorbia celastroides var. stokesii (C.N.Forbes) Sherff: is a beach plant, glabrous. Leaves broadly obovate. Distribution: endemic to Ni`ihau, Kaua`i, Moloka`i, Kaho`olawe.
  • Euphorbia celastroides var. tomentella (Boiss.) Oudejans: Tomentose. Distribution: Endemic to Waiʻanae Mts., O`ahu and presumed extinct.

21117 star Forest Starr & Kim Starr
Habit on cliffs below lighthouse at Overlook Kilauea Pt NWR, Kauai, Hawaii (USA). March 19, 2013. Photo by: Forest Starr & Kim Starr
21113 star Forest Starr & Kim Starr
Leaves and flowers at Kilauea Pt NWR, Kauai, Hawaii (USA). March 18, 2013. Photo by: Forest Starr & Kim Starr

21115 star Forest Starr & Kim Starr
Habit at Kilauea Pt NWR, Kauai, Hawaii (USA). March 18, 2013. Photo by: Forest Starr & Kim Starr
21114 star Forest Starr & Kim Starr
Habit on cliffs below lighthouse at Overlook Kilauea Pt NWR, Kauai, Hawaii (USA). March 19, 2013. Photo by: Forest Starr & Kim Starr

21116 star Forest Starr & Kim Starr
Leaves and flowers at Kilauea Pt NWR, Kauai, (USA). March 18, 2013. Photo by: Forest Starr & Kim Starr
21112 star Forest Starr & Kim Starr
Leaves at Kilauea lighthouse, Kauai, Hawaii (USA). February 25, 2002. Photo by: Forest Starr & Kim Starr

21111 star Forest Starr & Kim Starr
Habit and planting area at Kilauea Pt NWR, Kauai, Hawaii (USA). March 19, 2013. Photo by: Forest Starr & Kim Starr
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