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Euphorbia monteiroi Hook.
Bot. Mag. 91: t. 5534 1865.

Euphorbia monteiroi Photo by: © Plantemania


See all synonyms of Euphorbia monteiroi
Accepted name in llifle Database:
Euphorbia monteiroi Hook.
Bot. Mag. 91: t. 5534 1865.
Synonymy: 4 Accepted name in llifle Database:
Euphorbia monteiroi subs. brandbergensis B.Nord.
Dinteria 11: 23 (1974)

Accepted name in llifle Database:
Euphorbia monteiroi subs. ramosa L.C.Leach
J. S. African Bot. 30: 138 (1964).


Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Euphorbia monteiroi group

  • Euphorbia monteiroi Hook.: has a thickened stem up to 300 mm tall and 100 mm in diameter that produces a crown of thin, leafy, deciduous inflorescences with a small dark-red flower on the tips. These wither and persist as spines for several seasons. Dustribution: Angola, Namibia, Botswana, Southern Africa (Transvaal) and western Zimbabwe.
  • Euphorbia monteiroi subs. brandbergensis B.Nord.: Its stem is taller from 1-2 m tall with rounded apex and an open tuberculate pattern. The peduncles are shorter with narrower bracts. Nectar glands usually 5, yellow-green, marginal processes longer. Distribution: N Namibia.
  • Euphorbia monteiroi subs. ramosa L.C.Leach: up to 30 cm hight with branched stems. Stem and branches more slender, Tubercles in looser spirals. Leaves shorter. Bracts wider than long. Distribution: SE Botswana and South Africa (Mpumalanga).

30586 plantemania © Plantemania
Euphorbia monteiroi Photo by: © Plantemania
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