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Agave macrantha Jacobi
Hort. Bot. Panorm. 1869 (nom. inval.. Art. 61.1)

Accepted Scientific Name: Agave macroacantha Zucc.
Nova Acta Phys.-Med. Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. Nat. Cur. 16(2): 676. 1833

Agave macrantha (Agave macroacantha) Photo by: Matteo Faggion


See all synonyms of Agave macroacantha
Accepted name in llifle Database:
Agave macroacantha Zucc.
Nova Acta Phys.-Med. Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. Nat. Cur. 16(2): 676. 1833
Synonymy: 21

Common Names include:
ENGLISH: Black-spined Agave
ESTONIAN (Eesti): Suureastlaline agaav
RUSSIAN (Русский): Агава крупноколючковая, Агава широкоокаймленная
UKRAINIAN (Українська): Агава макроаканта

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Agave macroacantha group

  • Agave macroacantha Zucc.: forms clumps to 60 cm by 1.5 m composed of bluish grey rosettes. Leaves sword-shaped to 35 cm long with black spines at the tips. Distribution: Oaxaca and Tehuacan in the State of Puebla.
  • Agave macroacantha ''viridis''Agave macroacantha viridis hort.: has a bluish-green leaves, but it is hard to tell apart it from the stand species, if not for the foliage colouration.

27162 matteo Matteo Faggion
Agave macrantha (Agave macroacantha) Photo by: Matteo Faggion
21621 viviana Viviana Alejandra Castro
Agave macrantha (Agave macroacantha) Photo by: Viviana Alejandra Castro

27180 matteo Matteo Faggion
Agave macrantha (Agave macroacantha) Photo by: Matteo Faggion
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