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Bismarckia nobilis Hildebr. & H.Wendl.
Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 39: 94 1881

Bismarckia nobilis Photo by: Forest Starr & Kim Starr
Habit at Iao Tropical Gardens of Maui, Maui, Hawaii (USA). May 22, 2012.


Common Names include:
ENGLISH: Bismark Palm, Bismarckia Palm, Nobilis Palm, Bismarck palm
FRENCH (Français): Bismarckia, Palmier de Bismarck
GERMAN (Deutsch): Bismarckpalme, Bismarck-Palme
MALAGASY: Satra, Satrabe, Satrana, Strabe, Satranabe, Satrapotsy
MALAY (بهاس ملاي /Bahasa Melayu ): Palma Bismark
PORTUGUESE (Português): Bismarckia, Palmeira Azul
RUSSIAN (Русский): Бисмаркия, Бисмаркия благородная
SPANISH (Español): Bismarckia, Palmera noble, Palmera majestuosa, Palmera de Bismarck

20290 star Forest Starr & Kim Starr
Habit at Iao Tropical Gardens of Maui, Maui, Hawaii (USA). May 22, 2012. Photo by: Forest Starr & Kim Starr
20293 star Forest Starr & Kim Starr
Fruit at Iao Tropical Gardens of Maui, Maui, Hawaii (USA). May 22, 2012. Photo by: Forest Starr & Kim Starr

20296 star Forest Starr & Kim Starr
Fruit at Iao Tropical Gardens of Maui, Maui, Hawaii (USA). May 22, 2012. Photo by: Forest Starr & Kim Starr
20292 star Forest Starr & Kim Starr
Leaf at Kula Ace Hardware and Nursery, Maui, Hawaii (USA). September 06, 2007. Photo by: Forest Starr & Kim Starr

25011 josef Josef Cycad Perner
Bismarkia nobilis. Male inflorescence. Photo by: Josef Cycad Perner
20528 josef Josef Cycad Perner
Arryn J Perner cutting old leaves off Bismarkia nobilis. Photo by: Josef Cycad Perner

23055 luiza Luiza Ferreira
Bismarckia nobilis Photo by: Luiza Ferreira
20291 star Forest Starr & Kim Starr
Fruit on ground and seedlings at Iao Tropical Gardens of Maui, Maui, Hawaii (USA). May 22, 2012. Photo by: Forest Starr & Kim Starr

Your Photos
Habit at Garden of Eden Keanae, Maui, Hawaii (USA). March 30, 2011
by Forest Starr & Kim Starr
In pots at Iao Tropical Gardens of Maui, Maui, Hawaii (USA). May 22, 2012.
by Forest Starr & Kim Starr

by Josef Cycad Perner
Arryn J Perner cutting old leaves off Bismarkia nobilis.
by Josef Cycad Perner

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