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Tillandsia lindeniana Regel
Gartenflora 18: 193 1869

Accepted Scientific Name: Tillandsia lindenii Regel
Index Seminum [St.Petersburg (Petropolitanus)] 1868: 92 1869 Fisch., C.A.Mey. & Trautv.

Tillandsia lindeniana (Tillandsia lindenii) Photo by: Forest Starr & Kim Starr
Flowering habit at Iao Tropical Gardens of Maui, Maui, Hawaii (USA). May 22, 2012.


See all synonyms of Tillandsia lindenii

Common Names include:
ENGLISH: Air Plant, Pink Quill, Blue-flowered torch, Tillandsia
ITALIAN (Italiano): Tillandsia
SWEDISH (Svenska): Väktaren i tornet

20939 star Forest Starr & Kim Starr
Flowers at Maui County Fair Kahului, Maui, Hawaii (USA). October 03, 2009. (Tillandsia lindenii) Photo by: Forest Starr & Kim Starr
20940 star Forest Starr & Kim Starr
Habit at Ulana St Makawao, Maui, Hawaii (USA). April 11, 2010. (Tillandsia lindenii) Photo by: Forest Starr & Kim Starr

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