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Ferocactus horridus f. brevispinus cristatus
a.k.a. forma cristata

= Ferocactus peninsulae f. brevispinus cristatus
a.k.a. forma cristata

Accepted Scientific Name: Ferocactus peninsulae
Cactaceae (Britton & Rose) 3: 133, fig. 140. 1922 [12 Oct 1922]

Ferocactus horridus f. brevispinus cristatus (Ferocactus peninsulae f. brevispinus cristatus) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli


Accepted name in llifle Database:
Ferocactus peninsulae (F.A.C.Weber) Britton & Rose
Cactaceae (Britton & Rose) 3: 133, fig. 140. 1922 [12 Oct 1922]
Synonymy: 9 Accepted name in llifle Database:
Ferocactus peninsulae subs. santa-maria (Britton & Rose) Pilbeam & Bowdery
Ferocactus 82. 2005
Synonymy: 5 Accepted name in llifle Database:
Ferocactus peninsulae subs. townsendianus (Britton & Rose) Pilbeam & Bowdery
Ferocactus 83. 2005
Synonymy: 3 Cultivars (1):

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Ferocactus peninsulae/wislizenii complex

This Taxon has various synonyms whit several controversial varieties and subspecies and comprises a multitude of different forms, but where each form is linked to others by populations of plants with intermediate characteristics:

7968 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
Ferocactus horridus f. brevispinus cristatus (Ferocactus peninsulae f. brevispinus cristatus) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
7969 cactus-art Cactus Art
Ferocactus horridus f. brevispinus cristatus (Ferocactus peninsulae f. brevispinus cristatus) Photo by: Cactus Art

7970 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
Ferocactus horridus f. brevispinus cristatus (Ferocactus peninsulae f. brevispinus cristatus) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
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