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Cereus flagelliformis (L.) Mill.
Gard. Dict., ed. 8. no 12 (1768)

Accepted Scientific Name: Disocactus flagelliformis (L.) Barthlott
Bradleya 9: 87 (1991)

Cereus flagelliformis (Disocactus flagelliformis) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli


See all synonyms of Disocactus flagelliformis
Accepted name in llifle Database:
Disocactus flagelliformis (L.) Barthlott
Bradleya 9: 87 (1991)
Synonymy: 17

Common Names include:
ENGLISH: Rat's Tail Cactus, Whip Cactus, Rattail cactus
FRENCH (Français): Cactus Queue-de-rat, Cactier Queue de Souris, Cierge Serpent, Queue de Rat, Serpentine
GERMAN (Deutsch): Schlangenkaktus
ITALIAN (Italiano): Cactus a Coda di Topo, Coda di Topo
SPANISH (Español): Cola de Iguana, Cola de Rata, Flor de látigo, Flor de cuerno, Floricuerno, Hierba de Alferecia, Junco, Junquillo, Nopalillo, Cactus junco floricuerno

22228 flavio Flavio Agrosi
Cereus flagelliformis (Disocactus flagelliformis) Photo by: Flavio Agrosi
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