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Origin and Habitat: Euphorbia berorohaeSN|31683]]SN|31683]] is endemic to South-west Madagascar near the small village of Beroroha, at on the Mangoky river. This species qualifies for Critically Endangered as it is known from only two collections in the same locality, one in 1933 and the other recently in the 1990s (without previous knowledge of the 1933 specimen). Many botanists have visited this area, but no other specimens have been collected. This species is likely to grow only in the type locality.
Habitat and Ecology: Rocky slopes. Its habitat is highly prone to fires and clear cutting. The plant is also potentially appealing to horticulture and succulent plants collectors.
- Euphorbia berorohae Rauh & Hofstätter
Description: Euphorbia berarohae is a few-branched succulent shrublets to 70 cm with a tuberous mainroot. Euphorbia berorohaeSN|31683]]SN|31683]] is related to Euphorbia brachyphylla, another Mangoky river basin endemic.
Root: Napiform.
Stem: Primary stem covered with a silver-grey layer of cork. Branches few from the stem base, thin, slightly succulent, 50-70 cm tall.
Leaves: Deciduous, alternate, variable in size, on abbreviated shoots, long-ovate,up to 25 mm long, 5-7 mm wide, short apiculate, narrowing to the base, subsessile, above dark green, beneath pale green with a prominent middle nerve, glabrous,.
Stipular spines: Stout, solitary, to 8 mm long, deflexed, very hard, black-brown above, pale grey at thickened base, white pubescent when young. Peduncle short, 8-10 mm long. Pedicel erect, 5 mm long.
Inflorescences (cymes): Solitary, subterminal dichasia, simple with an aborted terminal cyathium; peduncles to 1 cm long; cyathophylls spreading, ovate, to 5 x 5 mm, brilliant green.
Flowers (cyathia): 2.5 mm in diameter; Nectar-glands oblong, reddish, touching. Interglandular bracts curved inwards, green, glabrous, dentate in the upper part. Bracteoles slit, white, glabrous. Ovary subsessile, sharp triangular, green. Styles united 1/3, their free branches spreading, pale green, with globular, emerald green stigmas. Male flowers few, with short, Interglandular bracts curved inwards, green, glabrous, dentate in the upper part, with short, white filaments and pale yellow pollen-sacs.
Bibliography: Major references and further lectures
1) Werner Rauh, Herman Schwartz “Succulent and xerophytic plants of Madagascar” Volume 2 Strawberry Press, 1998
2) Werner Rauh - Institute of Systematic Botany, University of Heidelberg, Germany - “Euphorbia berorohae Rauh & Hofstatter, a new species from the Mongoky region (South- Madagascar)” in British Cactus & Succulent Journal” Cactus & Succulent Society, 13(3): 94-97, ills. 1995
3) Urs Eggli “Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants: Dicotyledons” Volume 2. Springer, 2002
4) Haevermans, T. 2004. “Euphorbia berorohae”. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2015.2. <www.iucnredlist.org>. Downloaded on 09 August 2015.
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