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Anacampseros namaquensis H.Pearson & Stephens
Ann. S. African Mus. 9: 30 1912

Accepted Scientific Name: Anacampseros filamentosa subs. namaquensis (H.Pearson & Stephens) G.D.Rowley
Bradleya 12: 110 1994

Anacampseros namaquensis (Anacampseros filamentosa subs. namaquensis) Photo by: Frikkie Hall


See all synonyms of Anacampseros filamentosa

Common Names include:
CHINESE (中文): 白罗汉

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Anacampseros filamentosa group

  • Anacampseros filamentosa (Haw.) Sims: (subsp. filamentosa) has the South African distribution is much-branched and densely-leaved, the small leaves ovate to round, often with truncated tips, and covered with white threads, bristles numerous.
  • Anacampseros filamentosa subs. namaquensis (H.Pearson & Stephens) G.D.Rowley: has bristles shorter than the leaves, whereas in subsp. filamentosa they are longer than the leaves. Richtersveld southwards to the Tanqua Karoo.
  • Anacampseros filamentosa subs. tomentosa (A.Berger) Gerbaulet: applies to the Namibian plants. Apart from a difference in seed-type they are identical and not readily distinguishable from subsp. filamentosa, if not for the geographical provenance.

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