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Euphorbia vulcanorum S.Carter
Hooker's Icon. Pl. 39(3): t. 3872 (1982)

Euphorbia vulcanorum Photo by: K.k. Agrawal
Male flowers. The inflorescences (cymes) are solitary and appear from each flowering eye at the angles of the branches near apex, are composed by 3 almost sessile unisexual cyathia (flowers), each cluster is composed by a central male cyathium (stamens and anthers) that mature firstly, flanked by two lateral female cyathia (ovaries and stigmas) that start developing only when the male cyathium starts to fade.


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Euphorbia vulcanorum Photo by: K.k. Agrawal
30052 agrawal K.k. Agrawal
Euphorbia vulcanorum Photo by: K.k. Agrawal

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Euphorbia vulcanorum Photo by: K.k. Agrawal
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Female flowers (note the withered male cyathium in the center of each couple of female cyathia) Photo by: K.k. Agrawal

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Euphorbia vulcanorum Photo by: K.k. Agrawal
30055 agrawal K.k. Agrawal
Euphorbia vulcanorum Photo by: K.k. Agrawal

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Euphorbia vulcanorum Photo by: K.k. Agrawal
25206 agrawal K.k. Agrawal
Euphorbia vulcanorum Photo by: K.k. Agrawal

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by K.k. Agrawal

by K.k. Agrawal

by K.k. Agrawal

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