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Lobivia aurea var. leucomalla (Wessner) Rausch
Lobivia 1975

= Echinopsis leucomalla (Wessner) Friedrich
Kakteen Sukk. 25(4): 82 (1974)

Accepted Scientific Name: Echinopsis aurea Britton & Rose
Cactaceae (Britton & Rose) 3: 74. 1922 [12 Oct 1922] Britton & Rose

Lobivia aurea var. leucomalla (Echinopsis leucomalla) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli


See all synonyms of Echinopsis aurea

Common Names include:
ENGLISH: Cob Cactus

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Echinopsis aurea group

  • Echinopsis aurea Britton & Rose: has large showy yellow flowers. Stem solitary or with many basal and lateral offshoots.This species has a wide range and shows a great variability. Distibution: Northern Argentina and Southern Bolivia.
  • Echinopsis aurea var. albiflora (Rausch) J.Ullmann: has pure white flowers.
  • Echinopsis aurea var. dobeana (Dölz) J.Ullmann: has red flowers. Distribution: Sierra Ancasti, Catamarca, Argentina.
  • Echinopsis aurea subs. fallax (Oehme) M.Lowry: has globular stems with long, stout, sharp spines and produces large yellow flowers. Distibution: widespread in northern Argentina.
  • Echinopsis aurea var. mizquiensis: has compact stems closely covered with fine reddish-brown spines, and huge pale yellow flowers. Distribution: Mizque, dept. Cochabamba, Bolivia.
  • Echinopsis aurea subs. shaferi (Britton & Rose) M.Lowry: has clusterd stems with many basal and lateral offshoots. It is very spiny and produces large pale yellow flowers. Distibution: Mizque, dept. Cochabamba. Bolivia.
  • Echinopsis aurea subs. shaferi f. monstruosa cristata hort.: it is the crested form of Echinopsis aurea subs. shaferi f. monstruosa, it may produce yellow mostrous flowers too. .
  • Echinopsis aurea subs. shaferi f. monstruosa hort.: it is an almost spineless clustering plant with ovoidal growth habit that branches profusely and can slowly grow up to 30 cm tall.
  • Echinopsis aurea var. sierragrandensis (Rausch) J.G.Lamb.: has long thin spines and large golden yellow blooms. Distribution: Sierra Grande de Cordoba, Cordoba, Northern Argentina.
  • Echinopsis leucomalla (Wessner) Friedrich: has compact stems closely covered with fine white spines, and huge pale lemon yellow flowers. Distribution: San Luis and Catamarca, Argentina.

17849 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
Lobivia aurea var. leucomalla (Echinopsis leucomalla) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
17848 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
Lobivia aurea var. leucomalla (Echinopsis leucomalla) Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli

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