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Parodia grossei (K.Schum.) F.H.Brandt
Kakteen Orch. Rundschau 7(4): 62. 1982

Accepted Scientific Name: Parodia schumanniana (Nicolai) F.H.Brandt
Kakteen Orch. Rundschau 1982(4): 62 (1982)

Parodia grossei Photo by: Alexander Arzberger
(Eriocactus grossei sensu Ritter)


See all synonyms of Parodia schumanniana

Common Names include:
ENGLISH: Ball cactus

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Parodia schumanniana

  • Parodia ampliocostata (F.Ritter) F.H.Brandt: has more ribs, more spines, multiple central spines, of which the lowest one conspicuously longer and pale yellow anthers. Distribution: Cordillera de los Altos, Paraguarí, Paraguay.
  • Parodia grossei (K.Schum.) F.H.Brandt: has stems to 1.7 m high and 30 cm thick, 3-7 long bristly white (or brownish) spines the longer one 4 cm long. Distribution: between Carepegua and southeast of the Cerro Acahay, Paraguarí, Paraguay.
  • Parodia grossei var. aureispina (F.Ritter) F.H.Brandt: has stems to 1 m high and 20 cm thick, 8-11 long bristly golden yellow to reddish yellow spines the lowest the longer. Distribution: Cerro Acati, Colonia Indipendencia, Depart. Guairá and Cerro Pelado near Villarica.
  • Parodia schumanniana (Nicolai) F.H.Brandt: up to 1,8 m tall, areoles 7-15 mm apart, and 0-1 central spine. Distribution: Paraguay and north-eastern Argentina.
  • Parodia schumanniana subs. claviceps (F.Ritter) Hofacker & P.J.Braun: less than 50 cm tall, areoles only 3-4 mm apart, and 1-3 central spines. Distribution: Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

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