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Baobabus gregorii (F.Muell.) Kuntze
Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 67 1891

Accepted Scientific Name: Adansonia gregorii F.Muell.
Hooker's J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 9: 14 1857

Baobabus gregorii (Adansonia gregorii) Photo by: Josef Cycad Perner
Adansonia gregorii. Boab in the Weaber plains near Kununurra in the East Kimberley Region of Western Australia.


See all synonyms of Adansonia gregorii
Accepted name in llifle Database:
Adansonia gregorii F.Muell.
Hooker's J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 9: 14 1857
Synonymy: 7

Common Names include:
ENGLISH: Sour Gourd, Gourd-gourd Tree, Cream of Tartar Tree, Monkey Bread Tree, Upside Down Tree, Boabab, Baob Tree, Gouty Stem Tree, Gourd Tree, Australian Baobab, Boab, Baobab, Gadawon, Dead Rat Tree, Bottle Tree, Boab Baobab
ARABIC ( لعربية ): تبلدي صخري
DUTCH (Nederlands): Australische baobab
FRENCH (Français): Baobab australien
ITALIAN (Italiano): Boab, Albero bottiglia, Baobab australiano
POLISH ( Polski): Baobab australijski
RUSSIAN (Русский): бутылочное дерево, Боаб, Адансония Грегори, адансония австралийская, баобаб австралийский
SWEDISH (Svenska): Australisk baobab
UPPER SORBIAN (Hornjoserbsce): Awstralski wopiči chlěbowc

20204 josef Josef Cycad Perner
Baobabus gregorii (Adansonia gregorii) Photo by: Josef Cycad Perner
24942 josef Josef Cycad Perner
Baobabus gregorii (Adansonia gregorii) Photo by: Josef Cycad Perner

20205 josef Josef Cycad Perner
Baobabus gregorii (Adansonia gregorii) Photo by: Josef Cycad Perner
21738 josef Josef Cycad Perner
- Majestic ancient Baobab /Boab trees in the East Kimberley Region of Western Australia. 12. This massive Boab tree has a diameter of over 10 meters of where it is grown into the ground and a circumference of over 30 meters at that point also. This is among the largest Boab trees that I have seen. (Adansonia gregorii) Photo by: Josef Cycad Perner

24765 josef Josef Cycad Perner
Re-located Baobab/Boab trees in landscapes. Wyndham and Kununurra in the East Kimberley Region of Western Australia (Adansonia gregorii) Photo by: Josef Cycad Perner
20207 josef Josef Cycad Perner
Boab/Baobab trees (Adansonia gregorii) in the Timber Creek Region of the North West of the Northern Territory of Australia. (Adansonia gregorii) Photo by: Josef Cycad Perner

21737 josef Josef Cycad Perner
- Australian Boabs on exposed rocky cliffs, these amazing trees will withstand extremes of heat and drought. (Adansonia gregorii) Photo by: Josef Cycad Perner
24766 josef Josef Cycad Perner
Baobabus gregorii (Adansonia gregorii) Photo by: Josef Cycad Perner

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by Josef Cycad Perner

by Josef Cycad Perner

by Josef Cycad Perner
Boab trees in Bush fire.
by Josef Cycad Perner

by Josef Cycad Perner

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